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Diego Sandoval
64 years

Favorite Art: AquaScaping

My passion for aquatic life is since I was 4 or 5 years, but because of my job, truck driver, had never been able to keep aquariums, until 1993 I gave a tank of 38 liters to my oldest daughter, I minding their maintenance, born in my true passion for aquariums and aquarium extending 3 more than, 240 liters, 120 liters and 96 liter fish Tanganyika, and want that time to try to recreate the atmosphere of Lake Tanganyika, one can say that were my first attempts at aquascaping. One day I saw the "Nature Aquariums" of Takashi Amano (the Master) , and from that moment I became interested in aquascaping to today. About 7 or 8 years ago, I was surprised when I saw a bird feeder used as a small aquarium, I try create my first miniscape , from then until now attempts to improve every day have not ceased, leaving behind a handful of little works , of which try to share in MiniScaping .

My Portfolio

You are most welcome to enjoy my public portfolio:

Miniscapes(6)   Inspirations(0)   Guides(0)

About me

My passion for aquatic life is since I was 4 or 5 years, but because of my job, truck driver, had never been able to keep aquariums, until 1993 I gave a tank of 38 liters to my oldest daughter, I minding their maintenance, born in my true passion for aquariums and aquarium extending 3 more than, 240 liters, 120 liters and 96 liter fish Tanganyika, and want that time to try to recreate the atmosphere of Lake Tanganyika, one can say that were my first attempts at aquascaping. One day I saw the "Nature Aquariums" of Takashi Amano (the Master) , and from that moment I became interested in aquascaping to today. About 7 or 8 years ago, I was surprised when I saw a bird feeder used as a small aquarium, I try create my first miniscape , from then until now attempts to improve every day have not ceased, leaving behind a handful of little works , of which try to share in MiniScaping .

My Personal Website

you are invited to learn more about me on the following website: